Over Interference

Some people are more interested in others' lives. They over-interfere and call it Help.

People say, Love is blind. I dont know about it. But Over Interference surely makes people Blind. They cant see how they irritate people with their behaviour and they cant even see the Mess in their own lives!

To such people,
Guys, Go Get a Life. I dont mind even if its in Candy Crush!

#MissSunshine #kavzfilosofy #LifeUnpredictable


  1. lol candy crush.. :P

    - ua old friend.

  2. Hey so called "old frnd" I am Not at all keen to know who you are. So dont take the strain of typing ua old frnd. Until I dont know who you are, it doesnt make any difference between u and anonymous. So if u wang to let me know, u can directly. Bt thanks u r regularly reading my blog. I appreciate it.

    1. there is a lots of diff b/w anonymous and old friend ...

      u ll figure this out soon :)

      - ua old friend

    2. Ya but in da thing that u being my so called "old" friend commenting Anonymously, there is a similarity between da two coz of which I cudnt find da difference. Got it Priyanka? :)

  3. Thumps up...interference with in limits...

  4. Ya! Interference can b done only when if people give us permission to enter their life..but not when we feel we can poke just because they cant firmly say No n oppose.


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